Behovet for protetisk behandling – overordnede aspekter. Fast protetik som behandling af tandmangel

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 01.12.2006

I artiklen redegøres for den overordnede diagnostik vedr. behandlingsindikation i reducerede resttandsæt med fokus på æstetik og livskvalitet samt behovet for individuel vurdering. Valget mellem faste og aftagelige erstatninger uddybes, og det konkluderes at fast protetik er at foretrække frem for delproteser som har en tvivlsom almen succes, og især er risikofyldte ud fra parodontale og cariologiske aspekter. Brobehandling har i dag flere muligheder ud over de konventionelle, fx i form af fiberbroer, ætsbroer, ekstensionsbroer og implantatforankrede broer. Alle har fordele og ulemper som bør afspejles bl.a. i prognosevurderingen. Artiklen er delvist baseret på et foredrag holdt ved DTF's Symposium 2006 den 10.-11. november 2006.

Need for prosthetic rehabilitation – dominating aspects. Fixed prosthodontics as treatment of tooth loss Overridning diagnostics about indications for prosthetic treatment of the reduced dentition with focus on esthetics and quality of life aspects and the need for an individual approach in decision making is discussed. The choice between fixed and removable appliances is analysed and it is concluded that fixed prostheses are in favour of removable partial dentures, which have a low grade of general treatment success as a high percentage are discarded. They include high risks for periodontal diseases and caries. For treatment with fixed partial dentures there is today several options like fibre reinforced composite bridges, resin-bonded bridges, cantilever bridges and implant-retained fixed partial dentures. All techniques have their advantages and disadvantages that should be mirrored in among other things the prognostic evaluations. Prognosis in general terms and especially in relation to fixed prosthodontics is discussed and exemplified.