Multiple miliære osteomata cutis. En litteraturoversigt og præsentation af et patienttilfælde

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 01.12.2006

I ansigtshuden ses undertiden patologiske ossifikationer, og hvis de fremstilles på dentomaksillofaciale røntgenoptagelser, kan de give anledning til differentialdiagnostiske overvejelser. I artiklen redegøres for gruppen af kutane ossifikationer, og der beskrives et tilfælde af multiple miliære ossifikationer i ansigtshuden hos en midaldrende kvinde, som diagnosticeredes ved en odontologisk røntgenundersøgelse. Tilstanden er velbeskrevet i den dermatologiske litteratur, men der foreligger kun få beskrivelser fra odontologisk side. Artiklen afsluttes med differentialdiagnostiske overvejelser ved aftegninger af patologiske ossifikationer og forkalkninger på røntgenoptagelser af tænder og kæber.

Multiple miliary osteomas of the skin. A literature survey and report af a case: Pathological ossifications of the skin are rare. They may arise as primary lesions wihtout any identifiable cause, or they may be secondary arising in existing tumours or other pathological lesions. Multiple miliary osteomas of the skin is an entity most often located to the head and scalp, and sometimes to the truncus. In the head the lesions are often associated with acne or pockmarking after acne. The disease is without subjective symptoms. It may be diagnosed clinically as well as radiographically. On a panoramic radiograph multiple miliary radiopacities located to the mandibular area of a 55-year-old woman were observed. They were subsequently demonstrated on a true occlusal projection of the mandible. Clinical examination revealed multiple 1-3 mm, firm papules in the sub- and perimandibular skin. A diagnosis of multiple miliary osteomas of the skin was decided. Pathological calcifications and ossifications demonstrable on dentomaxillofacial radiographs of differential diagnostic importance are reviewed.