Binding af komposit plast til dentin: Kan bindingssystemer og plast frit kombineres?

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 14.06.2007

Formålene med denne undersøgelse var at afprøve om kombinationen af et bindingssystem fra én producent og et komposit plast fra samme producent gav bedre binding til dentin sammenlignet med kombinationen af et bindingssystem fra én producent og et komposit plast fra en anden producent, samt om eventuelle forskelle i bindingsstyrke var relateret til de kompositte plasts mekaniske egenskaber. Fem bindingssystemer (AdheSE, Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil SE Bond, Optibond Solo Plus og Xeno III) blev testet med fem forskellige kompositte plast (Tetric Ceram, Filtek Supreme, Clearfil AP-X, Premise og EsthetX). Plastet blev bundet til planslebne dentinoverflader der forinden var blevet behandlet med et af bindingssystemerne. Efter én uges vandlagring blev bindingsstyrken målt ved forskydningsprøvning. Herudover bestemtes de kompositte plasts bøjestyrke og elasticitetsmodul ved trepunktsbøjeprøvning. Vi fandt at bindingsstyrken af plast til dentin afhang af hvilket bindingssystem der var blevet anvendt (P

Resin composites: strength of the bond to dentin versus mechanical properties: This study 1) investigated whether the combination of an adhesive system from one manufacturer with a resin composite from the same manufacturer provides superior bonding of the resin composite to dentin compared with the combination of an adhesive system from one manufacturer with a resin composite from another manufacturer, and 2) tested for a possible influence on bond strength of mechanical properties of the resin composite. Following application of an adhesive system, a resin composite was bonded to flattened human dentin and tested in shear after one week. Five adhesive systems (AdheSE, Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil SE Bond, Optibond Solo Plus, Xeno III) were tested with each of five resin composites (Tetric Ceram, Filtek Supreme, Clearfil AP-X, Premise, EsthetX). The mechanical properties flexural strength and flexural modulus were determined by three point loading. Bond strengths were influenced by brand of adhesive system (p < 0.0001) and brand of resin composite (p < 0.0001), but the combination of an adhesive system from one manufacturer with a resin composite from the same manufacturer did not provide bond strengths that were superior to those obtained when an adhesive system from one manufacturer was combined with a resin composite from another manufacturer. Independent of brand of resin composite, the adhesive system Clearfil SE Bond mediated the highest bond strength to dentin. For each adhesive system, the resin composite Clearfil AP-X resulted in the highest bond strength to dentin. Significant, positive correlations were found between bond strength and flexural strength (p < 0.0026; r = 0.21) and between bond strength and flexural modulus (p < 0.0017; r = 0,22).