Corpus adiposum buccae – funktion og betydning. En litteraturoversigt

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 26.04.2007

Corpus adiposum buccae (Bichats fedtlegeme) har betydning for tandlægen på flere områder. For det første kan der ved eksponering hos børn, fx i forbindelse med traumer, ske en herniering ud i mundhulen som kræver akut behandling. I den oromaksillære kirurgi sker undertiden en eksponering af fedtlegemet, og desuden spiller det en vigtig rolle som eventuelt donormedium ved orale rekonstruktioner. Underordnet har legemet betydning i forbindelse med kosmetiske ansigtsoperationer. I artiklen gennemgås litteraturen med vægt på de aspekter som har særlig relevans for tandlæger. Der redegøres for anatomi og funktion af corpus adiposum buccae, samt for herniering og for behandling af denne tilstand. Desuden gennemgås rekonstruktive behandlinger med udnyttelse af legemet.

The buccal fat pad – function and significance. A review of literature: The central part of the buccal fat pad is situated between the masseter muscle and the maxilla. In adults it has a buccal, pterygoid and temporal extension and is totally a considerable volume. It is well developed in neoates and babies and is said to support the suckling function. In adults it has a lubricative function between the muscles. In small children the pad may be exposed due to a traumatic lesion of the buccal mucosa, and a herniation may result. Immediate treatment is important as the risk of necrosis and infection is increased by delayed treatment. During the last 30 years the buccal fat pad has attained a growing attention with the introduction of methods utilising the pad as a pedicled graft in reconstruction of oral tissue defects, e.g. oroantral fistula and defects after malignant tumour resection.