Tandlægeskræk: 10 gode råd
Tandlægeskræk opstår i relation til det tandlægelige virke, og tandlægen er derfor en del af problemet. Kun gennem en aktiv indsats fra både patient og tandlæge kan ubehaget og de angstfulde reaktioner forebygges og reduceres. Da problemfeltet er komplekst, kræver det både psykologisk indsigt, systematik og empati fra tandlægens side i behandlingen af disse patienter. Der er dog nogle generelle råd, som både patient og tandlæge bør følge. Det vil fremme kommunikationen og minimere patienters angstreaktioner. Den psyko-odontologiske patientselektion er med til at bekræfte tandlæger i en behandlerrolle med god forståelse for deres patienters angstreaktioner, men kun 29 % af patienter med fobiske angstreaktioner oplever behandlerrollen sådan, og 71 % føler sig jaget af tandlægernes travlhed.
Dental anxiety: 10 good tips: On the basis of the attitudes of odontophobic patients to dentists, as expressed in the Dental Belief Survey, ten tips have been created for patients and dentists, respectively. The tips interact with and complement each other, and have been formulated in easy-to-comprehend language in accordance with health education principles. The ten tips for dentists are: 1. Self-recognition. 2. The dentist’s qualifications. 3. Relaxation exercises. 4. The time of the appointment. 5. Regular consultations. 6. Requirements towards the dentist. 7. Psychological and somatic reactions. 8. Anaesthetics and sedatives. 9. Visually monitoring the treatment. 10. Questions to the dentist. The ten tips for dentists are: 1. The dentist’s own qualifications. 2. Preparation for the treatment. 3. Patient history and registration. 4. Active listening and non-verbal com munica tion. 5. The patient’s wishes. 6. Information rules. 7. The treatment procedure. 8. Anaesthesia and sedative 9. Pauses and relaxation exercises. 10. Painless treatment and patient expectations. The advice has been prepared for patients who have undergone treatment for their dental anxiety at the School of Dentistry, and must now contact a dentist and join a regular dental care scheme. The tips are presented in two separate brochures, a set of which is provided for the patient at his or her first visit to the new dentist.