Blødning i mundbund efter implantatindsættelse

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 09.12.2008

Behandling af tandløse patienter i underkæben med osseointegrerede orale implantater anses for at være en relativt simpel kirurgisk procedure med få kompli- kationer. Perforation af underkæbens lingvale knog- lelamel, under udboring af implantatlejet, indebærer imidlertid en risiko for iatrogen beskadigelse af de underliggende anatomiske strukturer inklusive kar- og nerveforsyning. Blødning i mundbunden kan være en alvorlig komplikation med risiko for obstruktion af de øvre luftveje. I nærværende artikel præsenteres en 76-årig mand med en kraftig blødning i mundbunden opstået i forbindelse med udboring af implantatlejet; de ana- tomiske strukturer samt de behandlingsmæssige forholdsregler diskuteres.

Klinisk relevans:

Haemorrhage in the floor of the mouth af ter implant placement in the anterior mandible. A survey and a case report: Placement of osseointegrated orale implants in the edentulous mandible is generally accepted as a safe and minimally invasive procedure with a low rate of surgical morbidity. However, perforation of the mandibular lingual cortex during preparation of the implant socket may injure the blood vessels in the floor of the mouth and cause life- threatening haemorrhage. Preoperative assessment of the bone morphology including adequate diagnostic radiographs and intraoperative visualization of the lingual cortical bone is essential to avoid perforation. The case of a 76–years old man with a severe haemorrhage in the floor of the mouth arose during host site preparation is presented, and the complication, anatomy of the area, and pre vious literature are reviewed.