Så påverkar kostvanor den orala hälsan

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 03.01.2008

Vilken betydelse har mat i människors dagliga liv? Hur kan man som vårdgivare påverka individens kostvanor? Måltidsmönstret på 2000-talet är komplext och kännetecknas av ett ständigt ökat utbud och en ökad intagsfrekvens. Kunskap om individens kostmönster och inställning till mat är viktigt för att lyckas med kostrådgivning.

Changes in dietary patterns – a Nordic perspective How does changes in dietary patterns and consumption habits affect oral health? Consumption behaviour has, for most individuals in the Nordic countries, changed dramatically during a rather short period of time. For a large number of persons in all age groups these changes have resulted in an increased risk for dietary-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, dental caries and dental erosion. Although the Nordic recommendations concerning nutrition are given in order to help individuals maintain good health, eating behaviour varies considerably from one individual to another. The changing practice of eating has shifted during the last 100 years, and in the 21st century food can basically be bought and consumed anywhere at any time. The complex relationships between factors such as different ways of providing and consuming foods, household organization and social relationships are all important and influence this process. When individual food intake is evaluated in order to reduce the risk for dietary-related disease, the evaluator must be aware of all the factors. It is important to ask not only what is consumed, but also how often, when, how, where and why.