Avansert maxillofacial bildediagnostikk med vekt på MR (magnetisk resonans) tomografi

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 03.02.2009

Artikkelen fokuserer på avanserte, nyere bildemetodikker (modaliteter) som gir helt andre diagnostiske muligheter enn tradisjonelle røntgenundersøkelser. MR tomografi i tillegg til CT har medført de største diagnostiske fremskrittene. Disse data-assisterte snittbildemodalitetene anvendes til å undersøke praktisk talt alle deler av kroppen; i stadig større utstrekning også den maxillofaciale regionen. I artikkelen demonstreres det diagnostiske potensialet med MR-utredning av pasienter med kjeveleddstilstander, benigne og maligne ekspansive kjeveprosesser, og kjeveinfeksjoner/-nekroser. Det understrekes at en- hver radiologisk undersøkelse skal ha betydning for pasientbehandlingen.

Advanced maxillofacial diagnostics with emphasis on MR (magnetic resonance) imaging: The article focuses on advanced, newer imaging modalities which give other diagnostic possibilities than traditio ­ nal radiological examinations. MR imaging and CT (computed tomography) are data ­assisted sectional imaging being applied to practically all parts of the body. Both modalities are increasingly used for examination of the maxillofacial region. The diagnostic potential of MR imaging is emphasized and illustrated with a number of conditions, including a discussion of the relative diagno ­ stic value of MR imaging and CT. The first part deals with temporomandibular joint conditions; displacement of the articular disk, osteoarthritis, inflammatory joint disease, and even expansive conditions. The second part focuses on benign expansive jaw lesions, demonstrating the poten ­ tial of MR imaging to differentiate between solid/cellular and cystic processes. The third part demonstrates CT and MR imaging manifestations of malignant conditions in the oral cavity and the jaw; squamous cell carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, malignant lymphoma and primary bone tumors like osteosarcoma. The fourth part demonstrates the value of advanced imaging in the evalu ­ ation of osteomyelitis, osteoradionecrosis and biphospho ­ nate ­induced osteonecrosis. The authors strongly emphasize that a radiological examination is indicated only if the evaluation will be of importance for the patient management.