Den kritisk syge patient i tandlægepraksis

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 29.10.2009

Akut opstået, kritisk sygdom optræder heldigvis sjældent i tandlægepraksis. Årsagerne er mangfoldige, og symptomerne omfatter vejrtrækningsbesvær, kredsløbspåvirkning og påvirket bevidsthedsniveau. Behandlingen udføres i overensstemmelse med ABC-retningslinjer (Airway-Breathing- Circulation).

The critically ill patient is fortunately a rare encounter in dental practice. Causes of severe, acute illness are multiple, and symp- toms comprise respiratory affection, cardiovascular instability and cerebral dysfunction. We describe a well known approach to the treatment of the critically ill patient, namely the ABC- approach. This systematic approach is useful for the dentist with little experience in dealing with the acutely ill patient. We speci- fically address the term »shock« and the treatment modalities in modern intensive care medicine.