Mukoepidermoidt karcinom – præsentation af et patienttilfælde
Mukoepidermoidt karcinom er en af de hyppigst forekommende maligne spytkirteltumorer og findes fortrinsvis i glandula parotis. I de små intraorale spytkirtler ses tumoren hyppigst i ganen og findes sjældent i mundbund og tunge. Det mukoepidermoide karcinom kan forekomme i alle aldersgrupper, men optræder oftest i 20-70-års-alderen og ses lidt hyppigere hos kvinder. De kliniske manifestationer afhænger af tumors udviklingsgrad, og behandlingen er oftest kirurgisk excision eventuelt kombineret med postoperativ strålebehandling. I nærværende artikel præsenteres en 70-årig kvinde med et mukoepidermoidt karcinom i mundbund og tunge, og de differentialdiagnostiske overvejelser diskuteres.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is one of the most common malig- nant tumours of the salivary glands. The tumour may occur in all salivary glands, although there is a preference for the parotid gland. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is mainly seen in middle- aged with a slight female predilection. The clinical presentation of the tumour depends greatly upon the grade of malignancy. Low-grade tumours present as a slow-growing, well-defined, and asymptomatic swelling. High-grade tumours grow rapidly and are often accompanied by pain, mucosal ulceration, and facial nerve palsy. Treatment of mucoepidermoid carcinoma is predicated by location, clinical presentation, and histopathologic grade. Wide surgical excision is the treatment for low-grade tumours, whereas surgical excision and postoperative radiation therapy may be used for high-grade malignancies. The prognosis depends on the grade and stage of the tumour. A case of a 70-year-old woman with a mucoepidermoid carcinoma in the floor of the mouth and tongue is presented.