Odontologiske aspekter af reumatologiske sygdomme
Bindevævssygdommene kendetegnes ved akut og kronisk, non-infektiøs inflammation, der kan involvere mange forskellige væv og organer samtidigt eller sekventielt. Mange af sygdommene har autoimmune træk i form af forekomst af autoantistoffer, som kan understøtte diagnosen. Sygdommene er associeret med betydelig morbiditet og flere tillige med øget mortalitet. Ætiologien er ukendt, men i kraft af stadig bedre indsigt i patogenese og forløb er der udviklet behandlingsprotokoller, som har forbedret prognosen meget væsentligt. I denne oversigtsartikel omtales systemisk lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögrens syndrom, arteritis temporalis, Wegeners granulomatose og Behçets syndrom, som har særlig relevans for tandlæger på grund af hyppig forekomst af orale/kranielle manifestationer.
Odontological aspects of rheumatic diseases. Connective tissue diseases: The connective tissue diseases are characterized by acute and chronic non-infectious inflammation, which can involve many different organs and tissues simultaneously or in a sequential pattern. Many of the diseases have autoimmune traits. They are associated with considerable morbidity and a variably increased mortality. The aetiology is unknown, but due to expanding knowledge about their pathogenesis and course, well documented treatment protocols are now available, which can significantly reduce the burden of these diseases. In this survey, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögrens syndrome, temporal arteritis, Wegeners granulomatosis and Behçets disease are briefly reviewed, with particular emphasis on oral/cranial manifestations which could lead to early recognition and optimal treatment of these otherwise devastating conditions.