Orale aspekter ved type 1-diabetes

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 24.03.2009

Forekomsten af type 1-diabetes er stigende i Danmark og i det meste af verden, og især hos mindre børn. Årsagen hertil er ukendt. type 1-diabetes er ikke blot forbundet med en øget risiko for at udvikle følgesygdomme i øjne, nyrer og nerver, men også en række orale symptomer og sygdomme, der kan være af betydning ved odontologisk diag- nostik og behandlingsplanlægning.

Oral aspects of type 1 diabetes: The incidence of type 1 diabetes is increasing in Denmark as in most part of the world. The reason for this is unknown. It is well known that type 1 diabetics have an increased risk of developing complications in the eyes, kidneys and nerves due micro- and macroangiopathies. Furthermore, type 1 diabetes has been associ- ated various oral symptoms and diseases including periodontitis, gingivitis, caries, xerostomia, salivary gland hypofunction, sialo- sis, oral candidiasis, impaired wound healing, taste disturbances and burning mouth sensations. With an increasing number of type 1 diabetics, dentists are more likely to become acquainted with this group in the dental surgery. Especially treatment of type 1 diabetics with poor metabolic control is a challenge. Therefore dentists are recommended to be well-informed on type 1 diabetes, not just its common systemic and oral signs and symptoms.