Ultralyd til apikal kavitetspræparation og retrograd rodfyldning med IRM-cement

Originalartikel Dato: 21.08.2009

Introduktion – Formålet med denne retrospektive kliniske og radiologiske undersøgelse var at evaluere behandlingsresultatet efter anvendelse af ultralyd til apikal kavitetspræparation og efterfølgende retrograd rodfyldning med IRM-cement efter en 2-5- års observationsperiode. Materiale og metoder – Undersøgelsen involverede initialt 198 patienter. I alt blev 226 tænder og 342 rødder behandlet. Af disse var det muligt at evaluere 112 patienter, 126 tænder og 194 rødder efter 2-5 år. Resultater – Den radiologiske klassifikation af røddernes heling viste komplet, inkomplet, usikker og utilfredsstillende heling i henholdsvis 96%, 2%, 0,5% og 1,5% af tilfældene. I henhold til en samlet subjektiv, klinisk og radiologisk vurdering af behandlingsresultatet viste 92% af tænderne et succesfuldt og 8% et mislykket behandlingsresultat. Konklusion – Kombinationen af ultralydsinstrument til apikal kavitetspræparation og IRM-cement som retrogradt rodfyldningsmateriale medfører således generelt et tilfredsstillende behandlingsresultat.

Surgical endodontics using ultrasound for apical cavity preparation and IRM-cement as root-end filling material: Introduction – Surgical endodontic treatment frequently involves ultrasound for apical cavity preparation. The aim of this retrospec- tive clinical and radiographic study was to evaluate the treatment outcome after using ultrasound for apical cavity preparation, and of IRM-cement as root-end filling material, after a 2 to 5 years follow-up period. Material and methods – The study involved initially 198 pa- tients with 226 treated teeth and 342 treated roots. It was pos- sible to evaluate the treatment outcome in 112 patients with 126 treated teeth and 194 treated roots. Results – The radiographic evaluation revealed that 96%, 2%, 0.5%, and 1.5% of the treated roots were characterized by complete, incomplete, uncertain, and unsatisfactory healing, respectively. The treatment outcome evaluated by subjective, clinical, and radiographic parameters revealed a successful treat- ment outcome in 92% of the treated teeth, while an unsatisfactory treatment outcome was observed in 8%. Conclusion – The present study showed that apical cavity preparation using ultrasound combined with IRM-cement as root-end filling material was in most cases characterized by a successful treatment outcome.