Tandsundhed for brugere af praksistandplejen i 2000-2008

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 10.08.2010

Formål – At beskrive udviklingen i tandstatus og carieserfaring blandt 25-årige, 40-årige og 65-årige brugere af praksistandplejen i perioden 2000-2008. Materiale og metode – Data vedrørende tandsundhed fra sygesikringens ydelsesregister registreret i voksentandplejen i perioden 2000-2008 for i alt 681.198 voksne i aldersgrupperne 25, 40 og 65 år. Resultater – Der observeredes en stigning i det gennemsnitlige antal tænder for alle aldersgrupper i perioden 2000-2008. Den største stigning var hos de 65-årige med en stigning fra 21,1 gennemsnitligt tilstedeværende tænder i 2000 til 23,9 i 2008. Det gennemsnitlige antal tænder med ubehandlet caries var for alle aldersgrupper lavt og faldt kontinuerligt i perioden fra 2000 til 2008. Det gennemsnitlige antal tænder med fyldninger og ubehandlet caries var for de 65-årige næsten konstant ca. 13 i hele perioden, mens der for de 40- og 25-årige sås et næsten lineært fald fra henholdsvis 13,5 til 9,5 og fra 7,1 til 5,1. Konklusion – Tandsundheden blandt 25-, 40- og 65-årige brugere af voksentandplejen er tydeligt forbedret de seneste ni år. Den årlige kontinuerlige forbedring i tandstatus og tandsundhed viser, at den positive udvikling i tandsundheden, som er observeret i børnebefolkningen, fastholdes ved overgang til voksentandpleje i praksissektoren.

Oral health for users of private dental practice from 2000 to 2008 Objectives – The objectives of the present report was to describe trends in dental status and caries experience among 25-, 40- and 65-year-old Danes who utilized private dental praxis in the period 2000-2008. Material and Methods – Data from The National Health Insurance Service Registry recorded in private practice in the period 2000-2008, comprising 681,198 adults in total. Results – In all three age-groups the average number of teeth increased during the period. The largest difference was seen among 65 year-olds with the average number of teeth present, raising from 21.1 in 2000 to 23.9 in 2008. The average number of teeth with untreated caries (DT) was low for all age groups and DT was continuously decreasing in the period from 2000 to 2008. For the 65-year-olds the average number of teeth with untreated caries and fillings (DFT) was 13 in 2000, and almost consistent during the period, while DFT for the 40- and the 25 year-olds were linear decreasing from 13.5 to 9.5 and 7.1 to 5.1, respectively. Conclusions – Among Danish adults utilizing oral health care delivered by private dental practitioners, dental status and dental caries experience were improved from year 2000 to 2008. The continuous improvement in oral health shows that the positive development in the oral health situation observed among children is maintained in adulthood.