Inflammatoriske knogle-, led- og hudforandringer

Kasuistik Dato: 02.12.2014

Synovitis, Akne, Pustolose, Hyperostose og Osteitis syndromet (SAPHO) er karakteriseret ved en række inflammatoriske knogle-, led- og hudforandringer. Tilstanden er vigtig at kende for tandlæger, idet de kliniske og radiologiske forandringer i mandiblen kan forveksles med anden inflammatorisk knoglesygdom.

En 43-årig mand blev henvist til Tand-, Mund- og Kæbekirurgisk afdeling, Hillerød Sygehus, med henblik på behandling af svær infektion i mandiblen. Patienten havde gennem længere tid lidt af psoriasis og haft pussekretion submandibulært. Ortopantomografisk undersøgelse viste sekvestrering af basis mandibulae, og knogleskintigrafi viste aktivitetsophobning i mandiblen, hoften og venstre ankel. Under dække af højdosis antibiotisk behandling blev der i generel anæstesi udført sekvestrektomi. Det postoperative forløb var komplikationsfrit.

Patienter med knoglehævelser i sammenhæng med anden knoglesmerte og/ eller kutane læsioner bør udredes klinisk, radiologisk og histologisk under tentativ diagnose SAPHO. Ætiologien anses for benign og inflammatorisk betinget, den funktionelle prognose for patienterne er god, men behandlingen er i dag fortsat livslang.

Inflammatory bone, joint and skin changes

Background – The Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis and Osteitis syndrome (SAPHO ) is characterized by a variety of inflammatory bone, joint and skin changes. The condition is important for dentists, since the clinical and radiological changes in the mandible, are similar to other inflammatory bone diseases.

Case study – A 43- year-old man was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Hillerød Hospital, for treatment of severe mandibular infection. His medical history included psoriasis and submandibular pus secretion. Orthopantomographic evaluation revealed sequestration of the base of the mandible, and scintigraphic bone examination showed increased uptake in the mandible, hip and left ankle. Anaesthesia and high dose antibiotic treatment sequestrectomy was performed, the mandible healed uneventful and the post-operative course was without complications.

Conclusion – A patient with bone swelling, in conjunction with other bone pain and / or cutaneous lesions should be evaluated both clinically, radiologically, and histologically under the tentative diagnosis SAPHO. Aetiology is considered benign and inflammatory, the functional prognosis for patients is good, but the treatment is still life long.