Sammenhæng mellem astma og carieserfaring

Originalartikel Dato: 28.07.2014

Introduktion og formål
Gennem de seneste 10 år har der været et øget fokus på astmamedicinens potentielle skadelige bivirkninger med hensyn til det orale helbred. Dette studies formål var at undersøge, om astmamedicinerede danske børn og unge havde større carieserfaring end raske danske børn og unge.

Materiale og metoder
Journalmateriale og SCOR-data* vedrørende 266 danske børn og unge fra Københavns Kommunale Tandpleje indgik i undersøgelsen. Patienterne blev tilfældigt udvalgt og inddelt efter SCOR-aldre, køn og astmatikere eller ikke-astmatikere. Dataindsamlingen omfattede DMFS/dmfs- og DMFT/ dmft-værdier.

Der fandtes ingen signifikant forskel på antallet af cariesfrie patienter i de to grupper, men den samlede gruppe af astmapatienterne havde en signifikant højere carieserfaring end kontrolgruppen; specielt sås signifikant højere carieserfaring hos 15-årige astmapatienter.

Konklusionen af undersøgelsen var, at børn og unge med astma, som indtager astmamedicin regelmæssigt, synes at have en større risiko for udvikling af caries end raske patienter, og de bør derfor følges tæt med henblik på cariesprofylakse.

Introduction and aim – During the last 10 years there has been an increased focus on the potential adverse influence of asthma medication on oral health. This study aimed at analysing whether Danish asthma medicated children and adolescents have a greater caries experience than healthy children and adolescents.

Material and methods – Using the electronic patient file system of the Community Dentistry of Copenhagen (SCOR-data*), 266 Danish children and adolescents were randomly enrolled and divided into an asthmatic group and a healthy control group, comparable in both gender and SCOR-age. The data collection included DMFS/dmfs and DMFT/dmft scores.

Results – No significant difference was found between the number of caries free patients in the two groups. However, a statistically significant increased caries experience was found in the total asthma group compared to the total control group; especially, the caries experience was significantly increased in 15-year-old asthmatics.

Conclusion – The conclusion of this study was that Danish children and adolescents with asthma would seem to have a higher risk of developing caries than healthy children and adolescents. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that the oral health of asthmatic patients treated with asthma medication is monitored closely in terms of caries prophylaxis. * SCOR-data: The Danish Health and Medicines Authority’s central dental registration regarding the caries prevalence of the individual patient.