Administrativ odontologi 3: Forholdet til patienten

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 08.04.2024

Formålet med denne artikel er at gennemgå patienters rettigheder og pligter, hvor det har relevans i forhold til tandlæger. Først og fremmest er der patientens selvbestemmelsesret, som bl.a. resulterer i, at patienten skal kunne træffe en beslutning på oplyst grundlag (informeret samtykke). Patientens selvbestemmelsesret betyder også, at patienten har ret til at sige nej til fx behandling. Tandlæger skal huske at udvise tavshed om de patientoplysninger, de støder på i deres arbejde. Artiklen vil også belyse videregivelsesog indhentningsmuligheder i forhold til andre sundhedspersoner samt tillige med patientens ret til aktindsigt. Tandlæger har særlige forpligtelser i forhold til identifikation af patienter og medicinering, hvilket desuden vil berøres i nærværende artikel. Slutteligt vil patienters pligter i forhold til Tandlægeoverenskomsten belyses.

Administrative odontology 3: Patients’ rights and duties The purpose of this article is to review patients’ rights and duties, with relevance to their dentists. In this respect, the patient’s autonomy which means that the patient among other things is capable of making a decision on well-informed basis is ensured. The patient’s autonomy also means that the patient has the right to say no to treatment altogether or a suggested treatment. Dentists must show confidentiality regarding the information from patients they encounter in their work. This article also includes the exchange options in relations to other health professionals and also regarding the patient’s right to access the medical records. Dentists have specific obligations in relation to the identification of patients and medication, which will also be referred to in this article. Finally, the patients’ duties in relation to the Dentist Reimbursement Agreement will be mentioned.