Administrativ odontologi 4: Klage- og erstatningssystemet

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 08.04.2024

Formålet med denne artikel er at beskrive klagesystemet – både i forhold til tandbehandling omfattet af Tandlægeoverenskomsten, dvs. både faglige klager og klager af overenskomstmæssig karakter, og tandbehandling uden for Tandlægeoverenskomsten, dvs. faglige klager, der ikke er omfattet af Tandlægeoverenskomsten. Klagesagsforløbet vil blive gennemgået for alle tre typer klager. Derudover er formålet med denne artikel at beskrive erstatningssystemet. Erstatningssagens forløb, betingelser for erstatning og øvrige forhold vedrørende erstatningssystemet vil blive gennemgået.

Administrative odontology 4: Matter of complaints and pay damages. The present article aims at describing our complaints system – both in relation to dental treatment covered by the Dental Reimbursement Agreement, and complaints about professional dental skills, complaints of collective character, and also dental care outside the Dental Reimbursement Agreement, that is complaints of the dental professionalism, that are not covered by the Dental Reimbursement Agreement. The processes of the complaints will be reviewed in this article for all three categories of complaints. Furthermore, the purpose of this article is to describe the compensation system. From the process of the compensation to conditions for compensation and other matters related to the compensation system will be reviewed.