Hvad er en diagnose?

Fokusartikel Dato: 08.04.2024

Diagnosen er et vurderingsresultat vedrørende en helbredstilstand og anvendes til skøn af prognoser og til valg af behandling. Diagnosen bygger på det medicinske naturvidenskabelige system og definitioner, der forvaltes af tandlæger og læger. Selv om det er indlysende, at diagnosen er relateret til patientens personlige og sociale forhold, er sådanne sjældent indeholdt i definitionen af diagnosen.

What is a diagnosis? Making a diagnosis is the starting point for the dentist’s corrective and prognostic considerations. At the end of the diagnostic process, the dentist classifies the patient in a group with other patients with similar symptoms and signs – a diagnosis is given. From the patient’s point of view, the diagnosis has a broader aspect. The diagnosis gives the patient’s symptoms a name and thus something tangible that the patient can relate to. Illness must be substantiated and the best legitimisation is a medical diagnosis that also ensures that the dentist understands the patient’s problems. The diagnosis ensures that the patient can be treated in the medical care system and that she now occupies a new social position.