Socialt udsatte og tandpleje

Oversigtsartikel Dato: 08.04.2024

I de senere år er fokus blevet øget på socialt udsatte voksnes liv og helbred. En række rapporter om socialt udsattes komplekse problemstillinger er blevet publiceret. Formålet med denne oversigtsartikel er at beskrive, hvad vi ved om socialt udsatte i Danmark og i udlandet i relation til oralt og generelt helbred. Desuden belyses, hvad vi ved om socialt udsattes brug af voksentandplejen og sundhedsvæsenet i øvrigt. Litteraturgennemgangen afdækker, at der i Danmark er et videnshul for så vidt angår klinisk odontologisk dokumentation for socialt udsattes orale helbred. Gennemgangen belyser desuden barrierer for socialt udsattes brug af voksentandplejen. Der viser sig behov for egentlige interventionsundersøgelser, som kan øge vores indsigt i socialt udsattes tandsundhed og behovet for tandbehandling, så vi har det nødvendige grundlag for at udvikle målrettede tandplejetilbud til socialt udsatte i Danmark.

Socially deprived adults and dental care: In the past few years there has been an increased focus on the life and health of socially deprived adults. A number of reports on the complex challenges of socially deprived persons have been published. The purpose of this survey is to describe our knowledge of oral and overall health of socially deprived adults in Denmark and abroad. Additionally, this survey throws light on socially deprived adults’ usage of dental care and other health services. Going through the literature, a knowledge gab is exposed, regarding clinical evidence of the oral health of socially deprived persons. Furthermore, barriers to socially deprived adults in using the dental care system are illuminated. A need for proper intervention studies appears – studies to increase our insight into the dental health of socially deprived adults and their need for dental treatment. Such studies could provide us with a basis for developing targeted dental care services for socially deprived adults in Denmark.