Electronic cigarette explosions involving the oral cavity

Denne kasuistik giver klinikere større viden om e-cigaretters opbygning, brug og risici; risikoen for spontane fejl og eksplosion af e-cigaretter bør diskuteres med patienter, også for at forstå behandlingsudfordringer ved en e-cigareteksplosion.

Sekundær artikel Dato: 14.03.2017

Eksplosion af elektroniske cigaretter involverer mundhulen

Baggrund – Brug af elektroniske cigaretter (e-cigaretter) er hastigt voksende i hele USA. E-cigaretter er forbundet med risiko for eksplosion og brand.

Patienttilfælde – Der er begrænset viden om sundhedsfaren ved brug af e-cigaret, navnlig langsigtede virkninger. De foreliggende informationer giver ofte modsatrettede konklusioner. Eksplosion og brand af en e-cigaret kan udgøre en vanskelig behandlingsudfordring, da mundhulen kan blive kraftigt skadet. I dette patienttilfælde indgik intraorale forbrændinger, luksation af tænder og alveolære frakturer.

Konklusioner og praktiske implikationer – Denne kasuistik giver klinikere større viden om e-cigaretters opbygning, brug og risici; risikoen for spontane fejl og eksplosion af e-cigaretter bør diskuteres med patienter, også for at forstå behandlingsudfordringer ved en e-cigareteksplosion.

Klinisk relevans:

E-cigarettes are a new nicotine- based product with a novel delivery system and have the potential to affect public health significantly. Ecigarette explosions and fires pose unforeseen risks and may cause damage to the dentition and soft tissues of the mouth.

Background and overview – The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) is a rapidly growing trend throughout the United States. E-cigarettes have been linked to the risk of causing explosion and fire.

Case description – Data are limited on the associated health hazards of e-cigarette use, particularly long-term effects, and available information often presents conflicting conclusions. In addition, an e-cigarette explosion and fire can pose a unique treatment challenge to the dental care provider because the oral cavity may be affected heavily. In this particular case, the patient’s injuries included intraoral burns, luxation injuries, and alveolar fractures.

Conclusions and practical implications – This case report aims to help clinicians gain an increased knowledge about e-cigarette design, use, and risks; discuss the risk of spontaneous failure and explosion of e-cigarettes with patients; and understand the treatment challenges posed by an e-cigarette explosion.